Saturday, October 15, 2005

Q's new blog: Ragged Glory

I have started a new blog, Ragged Glory. The primary purpose of the blog is to explore the Gospels, with the question of the "historical Jesus" ever in mind.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my earlier request for feedback. In the end, I decided not to publish my Gospel posts here at Simply Put.

I will continue to post on religious matters from time to time. But I have decided that the Gospel posts should be published elsewhere because the Gospels are inescapably evangelistic documents. Having cultivated a readership here at Simply Put, I want to avoid any appearance of proselytization.

What I will do is this:  each time I publish a post at Ragged Glory I will publish a link here at Simply Put. Those who want to read the Gospel posts can do so with minimal effort (no need to add another URL to your blogroll); those who prefer to skip those posts won't have them thrust in your face.

The inaugural Gospel post discusses Mark 1:1-5 and the ministry of John the Baptist. John called the people of Israel back to the wilderness to rededicate themselves to God.

The post also looks at one text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, which some of you may be curious about.


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