Rock 'n' Roll royalty
I live in a city of barely a million people. It's enough to make us the fourth largest city in Canada, but even so …

when the Rolling Stones come to town it's a big, flippin' deal.
And I didn't go! Tickets were what, $230 each? But the concert created a big stir in this small city, even among people like me who weren't willing to shell out that much money.

Ho hum. Just another day at the office when you're a rock 'n' roll god.

Do you suppose they have any idea that this is a direct reference to the Bible?
The Israelites were led across the desert by a theophany: And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. (Ex. 13:21) And here are the Stones, singing "Sympathy for the devil"; and there's the blasphemous column of fire, right on cue.
If you want to be a Satan-worshiping rock 'n' roll act, you've got to do your theological homework.
The Rolling Stones do Ottawa, Aug. 28, 2005.
The structure was built just for the Stones?
What? You must be joking, surely? I assume that this was paid for by the stones themselves? Or have you got enough future concerts/expo's planned to make it worth all those Tax dollars, considering you still have to shell out $230 a seat.
Wow. That's all I have to say. Wow!
I am a long time Stones fan. the first time I was old enough to see them live was in 1975. Ticket prices were $12.50. I went a second night and purchased tickets from a scapler for $25 and sat 12 rows from the stage. Today, $230 is a bargain. For the Hollywood Bowl, if you could even get tickets, the price is $454. Through a scapler triple the price. I have seen them 10 times, but I think I am going to pass on them this year. I will get their new CD and I suspect like every concert tour they go out on there will be an HBO special, which will give you the best of the Stones tour. Daughter and I watched them in Los Angeles on Halloween night in 2002 and then flew to NY to see them at Madison Square Garden where it was filmed for the HBO special, it was a much better and longer show.
The Hollywood Bowl is a great venue. I love that place. And now back to your regularly scheduled blog comments.
Apparently I was wrong about the cost of the Rolling Stones tickets. After reading your comment, I asked someone who said the tickets were in the $400 range.
My all time favourite band was The Who, and I don't think I could have spent $400 to see them. Not in good conscience, that's for sure.
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