Summer jobs
Since I've bought my camera, I've been approaching total strangers and asking permission to photograph them. I've even had some "business" cards printed with the URL of my blog. When I ask permission to take a photo, I give the person a card.
So far, to my surprise, no one has turned me down. (Someone I approached today set some terms and conditions on the photo I took; but that's a story for another day, when I post that particular photo.)
"Summer jobs" is the theme of this set of photos. Thanks to all my "models" for saying Yes!
Counting pedestrians

A few years ago, I noticed young people like Holly, here, sitting in lawn chairs at the side of busy intersections. Being naturally curious, I had to ask what they heck they were doing.
Usually, they're counting cars that pass through the intersection. But on this day, Holly's thrilling summer job involved counting pedestrian traffic. Oh well; it's a good opportunity for her to work on her tan, right?
A balloon and a smile

I think this photo is self-explanatory. Balloon and a burger, anyone?
Shaken, not stirred

Taken on a very hot Canada Day (July 1). This is our angel of mercy, mixing up a refreshing martini — strike that, I mean a lemonade — with style. But it must really suck, spending all day in an overgrown lemon. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Low tech taxi service

Also taken on Canada Day. Fancy a rickshaw ride, anyone? I don't know how she can do it, especially given that the temperature that day was above 30 degrees Celcius (approximately 90 Fahrenheit). We were melting while standing still in the shade.
Man of stone

A little beefcake for my female readers. Journeywoman says I have the same "V" shape, if I could only see my own back.
Chiselled features

I know I don't look like this, in profile. Journeywoman doesn't even bother to pretend.
Update: Saturday, July 16, 2:55 p.m.
I belatedly remembered this jpeg that circulated around our workplace a few years ago. It seems appropriate to our theme:
Elephant dropping catcher

This young woman dreams of a job counting pedestrians!
Fantastic photos! I lvoed the topic. The last two were great...he seems, er, really smart.
90 degrees sounds's been a bit steamy here so far this summer.
Great photo's. the idea of the business card and permission is good ethically, but does not lead to the candid or journalistic photo, and may also have some legal problems.
I know from my somewhat limited dabble with journalism that permission to use can be given after the fact for candids. Are you more concerned with the ethics of candid photos or the legal ramifications of taking them?
If you are concerned then try getting a copy of "Business and Legal Forms for Photographers" from Allworth Press.
They provide a good model release form for candids.
A model release is a legal document which releases the photographer from claims that he or she violated the rights of privacy of any clearly identifiable parties appearing in a photograph that might arise from the use and future sales of the photograph. The term “model” refers to anyone
appearing in a photograph. The release needs to be signed by all
parties who appear in your photographs. (definition partly taken from an American text on legal issues photgraphy)
Scouts Canada has one that they use for web-postings of any pictures taken by scouters at events. I was told their lawyers insisted.
There are also differences between adult and child model releases.
Here is a quote from creative nature photographers online magazine that you may want to read;
Verbal permission is no longer enough. To protect yourself you now need a signed model release that clearly spells out your intended uses of the photograph (a search on the web for "photography" and "model releases" will get you started if you’ re not familiar with these legal forms). "Wait a second," you think, "I am not a professional and I don’t plan to publish my photographs, why do I need a model release?" Well, you never know what will happen to those photos. Even just displaying the photos on your personal web page or entering them in a photo contest can get you into serious trouble. As the old saying goes, better safe than sorry. If you can’t get a model release, or are too shy to ask permission, then you are better off not taking photos of strangers.
My partner has a model release form she has to use for video that is legal in Canada, would you like a copy?
I'm aware that handing out business cards doesn't give me any legal protection. In the end, all I have is a verbal contract with these folks. It has been said that verbal contracts aren't worth the paper they're written on.
When I hand out the business cards, I'm treating people honourably by getting their consent. If they are uncomfortable with the idea, I'm giving them an opportunity to say so, and obviously I would respect it.
But you're right, if they turn around and sue me I'm in a vulnerable position. All I can say to that is, I'm not setting out to portray anyone in an unflattering light, so the photos are not likely to be damaging to them.
Bill does make a good point. You aren't planning on using them for anything inappropriate, but someone else now has access to them and could edit them and republish.
Hmmmmm. I hadn't thought about someone altering the photos. I wonder what my legal position would be in that case?
Didn't mean to put a damper on your photo taking or appear pedantic.
I think that your photo's make a great break in the usual intensity of your site.
I would keep doing it but just make sure your subjects are 100 % kosher with it.
In other words don't photograph jerks....
That elephant job is something else. Oy.
The elephant picture amuses me, because presumably she isn't supposed to snatch the stuff out of mid air. Presumably she's expected to sweep it into the bag after it hits the ground.
So what happened? Either it was a reflexive action (she was in the line of fire and she spontaneously reached out with the bag) or she decided, on her own initiative, to do the job differently. (Perhaps it was more work to sweep it up?)
If it was the first option, and she was just reacting reflexively, someone was mighty quick with their camera!
Um, how about neither... the elephant dung is retouched (at least partially) unless the pachyderm has a cookie cutter for a butt... the droppings are identical to each other (and my ex-brother-in-law)
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