Sunday, June 26, 2005

He deserved a good mauling

There's a story of another bear attack in yesterday's Ottawa Citizen (picked up from the Calgary [Alberta] Herald). For reasons I will point out in a moment, I found the story amusing. The first sentence reads:
A Quebec man who camped illegally in a closed section of Banff National Park escaped with minor injuries after a nose-to-nose encounter with a mother grizzly bear, frustrating park wardens who say the man's actions put the lives of the bear and her newborn cubs at risk.
The victim, Jean Daniel, awoke to find Mama Bear less than a metre away from his sleeping bag, accompanied by her three cubs. He turned over to play dead and the bear merely nipped him.

So why am I amused? Look closely at that first sentence:  "A Quebec man … escaped with minor injuries … frustrating park wardens."

The wardens think he deserved a good mauling, I guess.


At 10:58 AM, June 27, 2005, Blogger Bill said...

Unfortunately stupidity isn't a crime, neither the stupidity of camping illegally in a closed section of a park nor poor grammar.

I think the nip sufficed, we should reserve the mauling for bear poachers.


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