Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The low down on haiku

A haiku is a poem consisting of three lines with a specific pattern of syllables: five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

You knew that! But there's more to it than the 5/7/5 pattern.

Here's a link to an interesting haiku story. (The story is worth reading for its own sake.) The author is a Jewish man who took a creative writing class with his wife, where he learned that a true haiku must:
  • express something about nature;
  • use very concrete terms, never generalities;
  • deal with the here and now; and
  • be composed of strong nouns and verbs. (It should rarely be necessary to use a modifier, like an adjective or an adverb.)
  • each line should contain a complete thought;
  • often the three lines are split into two parts, by a colon or a dash, with an imaginative distance between the two sections; and, finally,
  • the whole haiku should have a twist that conveys some insight by means of juxtaposition.
Ooh, a challenge! The gauntlet has been thrown down! Now I am compelled to compose a haiku of my own:
Five senses:  lovers'
portal to transcendent realms;
Earthy and sublime.
OK, I cheated, particularly by breaking up the first line. (Rule #41: each line should contain a complete thought.) But I conveyed an insight by means of juxtaposition not too badly, I think.

Form and content stand in uneasy tension with one another — that's where the challenge lies. The poet who perfectly executes both achieves nirvana on the spot.

Are you up to the challenge? Do you have the IQ for haiku?


At 3:30 PM, May 19, 2005, Blogger snaars said...

Carbon dioxide -
by degrees warming the earth.
Mission accomplished.

Wow, that feels good! Nirvana, here I come!

At 3:54 PM, May 19, 2005, Blogger stc said...

Bravo, Snaars! All that useless beauty, and you can write poetry, too.

At 11:47 AM, May 20, 2005, Blogger snaars said...

I try to be modest, but it's just so difficult to hide all this raw talent! ;)

Okay, the first one was kind of tongue-in-cheek (obviously), so I decided to do another:

black oak limb out-stretched
eight-legg'd swinger hammering
jarring down the sun

This is fun!

At 5:15 PM, May 21, 2005, Blogger stc said...

Snaars and Journeywoman —
If anyone else wants to join this informal competition, you two have raised the bar to a high standard.

My inclination is to crown Journeywoman haiku champion, but my judgement may be biased. I must confess there is a — ahem — personal relationship between us.

Sorry, Snaars, but for all your beauty and raw poetic talent, in some respects you are at a definite disadvantage.


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